I am completely dissatisfied with the experience I have had purchasing a case for my computer from the iShop. The case, which I purchased as an accessory to protect my valuable investment, began to fall apart on its own due to an obvious factory defect. Most surprising of all, iShop's returns policy only allows a 14-day window for complementary defective products, which has left me in an extremely frustrating situation.
I have never experienced a store that so easily disengages itself from responsibility after just two months of purchasing a product. This case was not exactly cheap, and it is inconceivable that a company like iShop sells products of such questionable quality, even if they are from third-party suppliers. They should reconsider their relationship with these suppliers and ensure that the products they offer meet the quality standards expected by their customers.
It is unacceptable that after investing a significant sum on a cover, it begins to deteriorate in just two months. We are talking about an item that should provide reliable and long-lasting protection. The excuse that the tip of the case looks beaten is unfounded, since, when the other corner is shown, it is evident that the problem is an internal manufacturing defect.
The process iShop requires to remedy this situation is complicated and extremely inconvenient. Having to deal with a third party, coordinate with FedEx, travel to a plaza, incur parking costs and lost time is completely disproportionate and unreasonable. The absence of an effective guarantee in the store only further aggravates this situation.
In contrast, stores like Costco offer unparalleled customer service and support, even for third-party products. This iShop experience is disappointing and has caused deep annoyance. I hope that iShop reconsiders its return policy and improves the quality of the products it offers, to prevent other customers from having to face situations as frustrating as mine. I hope they can remedy the situation.
Terrible customer service. I was about to buy a 10th generation iPad, when I asked to leave an iPhone as part of the Trade In (exchange it), and they told me to "come back tomorrow because the technicians were about to leave and I wouldn't give them time." It should be noted that it was 7:50 p.m....I think it was blurry when I saw that its closing time is 9:00 p.m. If you go with the intention of purchasing a product, make sure it is before 6:00 p.m. because otherwise "they don't have time🥺"
Terrible service, friendly employees but we have already purchased items in this same store several times, asking them to send us the CFDI (invoice) immediately, the employees do it in front of us, however, mysteriously the invoices have never arrived in our mail, We all have to generate them from home with the ticket information. Whenever we generate them from home, they arrive in the email within a few seconds.
5 months ago
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Apple to expensive!
a year ago0
3 years ago0
I am completely dissatisfied with the experience I have had purchasing a case for my computer from the iShop. The case, which I purchased as an accessory to protect my valuable investment, began to fall apart on its own due to an obvious factory defect. Most surprising of all, iShop's returns policy only allows a 14-day window for complementary defective products, which has left me in an extremely frustrating situation. I have never experienced a store that so easily disengages itself from responsibility after just two months of purchasing a product. This case was not exactly cheap, and it is inconceivable that a company like iShop sells products of such questionable quality, even if they are from third-party suppliers. They should reconsider their relationship with these suppliers and ensure that the products they offer meet the quality standards expected by their customers. It is unacceptable that after investing a significant sum on a cover, it begins to deteriorate in just two months. We are talking about an item that should provide reliable and long-lasting protection. The excuse that the tip of the case looks beaten is unfounded, since, when the other corner is shown, it is evident that the problem is an internal manufacturing defect. The process iShop requires to remedy this situation is complicated and extremely inconvenient. Having to deal with a third party, coordinate with FedEx, travel to a plaza, incur parking costs and lost time is completely disproportionate and unreasonable. The absence of an effective guarantee in the store only further aggravates this situation. In contrast, stores like Costco offer unparalleled customer service and support, even for third-party products. This iShop experience is disappointing and has caused deep annoyance. I hope that iShop reconsiders its return policy and improves the quality of the products it offers, to prevent other customers from having to face situations as frustrating as mine. I hope they can remedy the situation.
2 months ago0
Terrible customer service. I was about to buy a 10th generation iPad, when I asked to leave an iPhone as part of the Trade In (exchange it), and they told me to "come back tomorrow because the technicians were about to leave and I wouldn't give them time." It should be noted that it was 7:50 p.m....I think it was blurry when I saw that its closing time is 9:00 p.m. If you go with the intention of purchasing a product, make sure it is before 6:00 p.m. because otherwise "they don't have time🥺"
2 months ago0
Terrible service, friendly employees but we have already purchased items in this same store several times, asking them to send us the CFDI (invoice) immediately, the employees do it in front of us, however, mysteriously the invoices have never arrived in our mail, We all have to generate them from home with the ticket information. Whenever we generate them from home, they arrive in the email within a few seconds.
5 months ago