Usually I love Walmart but I become very frustrated in Mexico they don't seem to have a lot of customer service in times.
I tried to buy something they needed to do a price check they took 10 minutes to do a price check and still it didn't register on the computer. They would not take my word that it was 199 pesos. Very frustrating and there are 20 items or less registers accept people with 40 or 50 items also very frustrating
Great, clean and Sécure when doesn't ask womens to leave their purse - backpack out of store
a year ago0
Usually I love Walmart but I become very frustrated in Mexico they don't seem to have a lot of customer service in times. I tried to buy something they needed to do a price check they took 10 minutes to do a price check and still it didn't register on the computer. They would not take my word that it was 199 pesos. Very frustrating and there are 20 items or less registers accept people with 40 or 50 items also very frustrating
4 years ago0
Its like any other walmart but i love this place because theres so many beautiful woman coming through this place all the time.
2 years ago0
This Walmart needs more cashier's...took 40 minutes to pay!
a year ago0
Good location, but not safe at night time
5 years ago