Work space is very limited but they added small coffee tables outside the store, and the campus is big... to say the truth the bad smell is a thing something is not going well there. Looking the other way, the attention to the customer is the best.
My only but is that people forget that they are in a public space and have loud conversations! And it doesn't let us hear our own thoughts. Otherwise well
The place is new and similar to other branches that exist within the different Tec de Monterrey campuses.
The waiting time was a little longer than usual than in other branches, the place had an unpleasant smell of confinement and drainage, and the space to work inside is somewhat reduced.
Work space is very limited but they added small coffee tables outside the store, and the campus is big... to say the truth the bad smell is a thing something is not going well there. Looking the other way, the attention to the customer is the best.
5 years ago0
Small though the space is very well distributed
5 years ago0
My only but is that people forget that they are in a public space and have loud conversations! And it doesn't let us hear our own thoughts. Otherwise well
3 months ago0
The place is new and similar to other branches that exist within the different Tec de Monterrey campuses. The waiting time was a little longer than usual than in other branches, the place had an unpleasant smell of confinement and drainage, and the space to work inside is somewhat reduced.
5 years ago0
Very good service and atmosphere but I still don't like their frappés
5 months ago