I've been getting has here from when I first started driving. Staff is still very nice mechanic on duty is honest and good, trustworthy. Clean lot
Prices are not updated, it says $2.94 regular online but I’m here and its $3.20
Great service every time. Got my state inspection here.
the person who attended me says that their establishment policy does not accept coins,
They don’t want to do any work on cars only car inspection
I've been getting has here from when I first started driving. Staff is still very nice mechanic on duty is honest and good, trustworthy. Clean lot
a year ago0
Prices are not updated, it says $2.94 regular online but I’m here and its $3.20
a year ago0
Great service every time. Got my state inspection here.
4 years ago0
the person who attended me says that their establishment policy does not accept coins,
2 years ago0
They don’t want to do any work on cars only car inspection
2 years ago