The WORST Oxxo, lousy service, the prices are different from what they charge you, look closely at the screen, if you want to withdraw at the time you go they NEVER have money, they are rude.
Terrible service they never have change and if you arrive before they open and since they don't have change you pay with a card and they demand your PIN number which only you should have and if you don't give it to them they get angry and won't sell you anything
The WORST Oxxo, lousy service, the prices are different from what they charge you, look closely at the screen, if you want to withdraw at the time you go they NEVER have money, they are rude.
3 months ago0
They have other prices labeled and they do not respect them, still the cashiers and managers have a disastrous and vulgar education
4 months ago0
Terrible service they never have change and if you arrive before they open and since they don't have change you pay with a card and they demand your PIN number which only you should have and if you don't give it to them they get angry and won't sell you anything
a year ago0
Excellent service, clean, tidy and the cashiers are friendly.
12 months ago0
Excellent service especially in the mornings when it is less crowded
12 months ago