Smaller oxxo with all the necessities.
They had a system and I was able to correctly make all my payments. The young man who served me was very friendly.
It is located on the corner so there is no problem to park the car and quickly buy some hot dogs or whatever in case you are already hungry and don't have time to go somewhere else. It is well located near insurgents.
The manager and several workers serve you as if they were really forced to be there, it seems like they have no education
Smaller oxxo with all the necessities.
6 years ago0
4 months ago0
They had a system and I was able to correctly make all my payments. The young man who served me was very friendly.
a year ago0
It is located on the corner so there is no problem to park the car and quickly buy some hot dogs or whatever in case you are already hungry and don't have time to go somewhere else. It is well located near insurgents.
10 years ago0
The manager and several workers serve you as if they were really forced to be there, it seems like they have no education
4 years ago