There are always a lot of people buying, you have to wait in line and sometimes you wait up to 30 minis to buy. The store is very full with very small aisles.
There are so many people that the coffee area is difficult to find clean and tidy.
Terrible attitude from the girl who just served me..... I went at 2 in the afternoon and she is in a bad mood.... She doesn't know the promotions, you ask her a question and she answers wrong.....
The cashiers are always rude, it bothers them if you pay with a card or with change, if you ask for a bag THEY ALWAYS DENY YOU and they make faces at you.
I only go if I have to, but I prefer to buy elsewhere.
Very good
a month ago0
There are always a lot of people buying, you have to wait in line and sometimes you wait up to 30 minis to buy. The store is very full with very small aisles. There are so many people that the coffee area is difficult to find clean and tidy.
8 months ago0
Terrible attitude from the girl who just served me..... I went at 2 in the afternoon and she is in a bad mood.... She doesn't know the promotions, you ask her a question and she answers wrong.....
a year ago0
The cashiers are always rude, it bothers them if you pay with a card or with change, if you ask for a bag THEY ALWAYS DENY YOU and they make faces at you. I only go if I have to, but I prefer to buy elsewhere.
3 years ago0
The workers with lousy attention, always grumpy, arrogant.
11 months ago