If you don't have options to buy pss here but the products are more expensive than in other places and there isn't much assortment, its advantage is that it's everywhere and the only relatively good thing is that if you didn't have time or forgot to pay for a service, it you can pay here they charge you ten pesos for that service ☹️🙁😶😑😐
Terrible service, it seems that it is an essential requirement in all the Oxxos that I visited, even
The employees are super angry and have a bad attitude, they respond badly to the customer, in addition to that, they almost never have a system, Oxxo de la Leona, the one on Av. Morelos center, the powder keg next to MC Donald's, tache tache
If you don't have options to buy pss here but the products are more expensive than in other places and there isn't much assortment, its advantage is that it's everywhere and the only relatively good thing is that if you didn't have time or forgot to pay for a service, it you can pay here they charge you ten pesos for that service ☹️🙁😶😑😐
2 years ago0
Terrible service, it seems that it is an essential requirement in all the Oxxos that I visited, even The employees are super angry and have a bad attitude, they respond badly to the customer, in addition to that, they almost never have a system, Oxxo de la Leona, the one on Av. Morelos center, the powder keg next to MC Donald's, tache tache
4 years ago0
Like any other, there are almost everything at the same high prices. And the same attention Everything x
2 years ago0
There was no American coffee
2 years ago0