Neglected, I hope the beach authorities do something about it, there is no public lighting, a lot of garbage, people are deteriorating the sculpture, if it continues like this, it will soon go down the drain... be vigilant and above all, clean up the place There is garbage everywhere! Yes, I know what the people are and that is why there must be vigilance!
Good place
2 years ago0
Well located and stocked.
a month ago0
It is not highly recommended because you cannot send money
5 months ago0
Good service and quality
2 months ago0
Neglected, I hope the beach authorities do something about it, there is no public lighting, a lot of garbage, people are deteriorating the sculpture, if it continues like this, it will soon go down the drain... be vigilant and above all, clean up the place There is garbage everywhere! Yes, I know what the people are and that is why there must be vigilance!
2 years ago